Get a Head Start in the New Year

Starting a medtech company isn't easy and getting a novel device through the FDA's approval process is challenging. Get off to the right start with MedTech Impact Partners by adding our pres-submission package to your strategy of getting your device to market faster. Our two new two tools have been designed to help early stage companies efficiently and successfully complete the FDA's pre-submission process.

Teams of the Future Need Specialized Support.

MedTech Impact Partner’s Kwame Ulmer has noticed an emerging trend that is spurring a change in the dynamics of early stage companies. It’s a trend that makes it more likely that teams need affordable but invaluable support during the pre-submission of the FDA’s approval process.

“The founding team that I would meet 10 years ago would look like this: “Middle-aged gentleman, halfway through his career at Medtronic and thinks he can build a better widget. He teams up with a clinician at Cedar-Sinai and they’re off to the races. Now, I meet a Ph.D physicist who worked at NASA and who teamed up with someone who sold with Verizon and knows how to do enterprise sales; and who teams up with someone who worked in building product. It’s a cross-functional team from disparate industries and that synergy can be magic. And, I think that’s a really compelling team of the future.”

Our two packages offer templates and plans that will guide you to the next milestone; getting your medtech device, diagnostic or software to market faster. Learn more and download the package that fits your needs best.

Our team is scheduling discovery meetings to learn more about your organization and goals. If you’re interested in learning more, please contact us, here


How to Accelerate Your MedTech Product


Celebrating Five Years of Impact at MIP