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TRANSforming Care with Emerging, Novel Devices (TRANSCEND) - Building Your Advisory Team

TRANSforming Care with Emerging, Novel Devices (TRANSCEND) explores the current climate for the development of class II and class III medical devices. This hybrid course begins with a 4-week online session that includes:

  • Case examples featuring real-world critical aspects and challenges in device development

  • Key factors in regulatory decision-making

  • Techniques for technology valuation and potential sources of funding

  • Examining the ways in which risk management informs device development processes

  • Designing a customizable pitch that deliver non-confidential information to key stakeholders

After laying the foundation online, participants will travel to Babson Executive Conference Center in Babson, MA  for three days of live in-person activities to put into practice the ideas and concepts learned online. Sessions include:

  • Personalized, expert feedback on slide decks and pitch delivery

  • Q&A with medical device developers

  • Network building and collaboration skills activities

April 27

2022 Annual Meeting & Exposition (Society for Biomaterials)

June 13

BIO Conference