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Catalyze Funding Opportunities

Catalyze Funding Opportunities

Catalyze Product Definition grant applications and Preclinical EOIs due in February!

Product Definition Grant Applications

Learn more about Catalyze product definition support and prepare/submit your grant application via by February 11th, 2025, 5pm local time.

The NHLBI Catalyze Product Definition Program provides a comprehensive suite of support and services to facilitate the translation of basic scientific discoveries into viable therapeutics, devices, diagnostics, and research tools ready for human testing.

In addition to funding, Catalyze provides technical support and consultation from experts in chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, manufacturing, regulatory affairs and commercialization.

Catalyze Product Definition offers five funding opportunities for investigators developing enabling technologies, small molecules/biologics, and medical devices.

For more information, visit our website and register below for our upcoming webinar highlighting upcoming Catalyze funding opportunities.

Catalyze Preclinical Services Expression of Interest (EOI) Submissions

Complete and submit your EOI form online February 17th-28th by visiting

The Catalyze Preclinical Services Program supports activities for technology development of products that are at end-stage proof-of-concept through preclinical development and US regulatory approval.

Preclinical activities include animal studies, chemistry, manufacturing and controls (CMC) activities, prototype development and validation, and regulatory support.

Visit our website and preclinical FAQ page to learn more about Catalyze preclinical services, the application process and guidelines, and to obtain a copy of the expression of interest form to submit on our website between February 17th - February 28th. Selected EOI applicants will be invited to submit a full application. 

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